Monday, February 16, 2009

Life Partner

Is it possible to live through your life alone? 
I cant even think of this situation as I am a very extrovert person. If you wanna punish me or make me suffer just put me alone, secluded from all. I will surely do whatever you want me to do to get back among people. But my philosophy for a partner is not just a person who gives me company so that my inner outgoing person is secured that someone is around! 
I feel life without a partner is like food without spices or an Indian movie without a song. Sometimes when you think that yes she is the one who will be the spice of my life or song of my movie then it becomes difficult to see just your shadow when you are walking on a lone beach. For me my partner will be someone who will be walking with me hand in hand on all sorts of paths. 
There are small things in this world that make you happy, there are even smaller things that make you sad. I want her to be around me in all these small moments of life. Its a two way traffic road you see! Even I want to be a soulmate, a partner for someone. Someone has said love cannot be bound by distances! Well I would like to tell that person step into my shoes mate and you will know the pain of distance! I am away from my parents, I am away from the love of my life, I only know the real pain in these distances. 
People when they tell that you have just this one life why do you want to spend it with just one person and ruin it! To those people I would say that friends Love is something that enchants you, it is a feeling of life! For me even if I live with millions of different faces and personalities, it is that one face that replaces all of them! I see her everywhere. Eventhough she might be thousands of miles away for me its like she is next to me! Eventhough I said this which was contradicting to my previous words, I cant help it! Life partner makes you enchanted! That is something that you cant experience by being with many people.
For me the outright examples have been my parents. I have seen them love each other, I have seen them argue, I have seen them care for the one most important person in their life "Me". The thing is when I think about my parents I always think of them as one and not 2 different people! That is how I want to be with my partner. Life takes you up and it brings you back down also but in this roller coster the only person sitting right next to you and making sure that you dont fall off is your partner! My mom has being a wonderful partner for my dad and the other way round is perfectly correct as well!!
Sometimes when I cook something good, sometimes when Manchester united wins an important match (they always win by the way!), sometimes when the going is tough I always wished that i could straight away share my heart with someone! When she was around it was like heaven for me. I used to laugh, cry and do all silly stuff with a lot of love! I knew that my partner is there.
Distances, miles, kilometres all these words are very very difficult to swallow when you know how they taste like! When a kid is born it is his parents that are his life partners! Then when the kid becomes a man he wants to be in his parents shoes! People who have life partners and dont care for their presence are the unluckiest people in this world! Its like you have money but you have no reason to spend it! 
It is not so difficult to value your partner and love him or her more than anyting in this world. When people get married they say she is my better half.. The phrase better half is something that has a very deep meaning in it! When you call someone your better half you make that person a part of your soul! I think that it is impossible that I would hurt my own soul! 
This article or essay that I penned down today is from how I have seen individuals coming together and uniting! Value your soul mate life will value you a lot! 
Finally, to my soul mate, I really miss you a lot but i cant quantify it! Hence I thought of writing it down in my own way. This is also for my parents who are my soul mates from past 23 yrs and will continue to be for the rest of my life!  


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A special Valentine's poem!!

Love at first sight
Love at first kiss
Love at first touch I wouldnt miss
I wish I could go way back when
To experience that love again

They tell it to lovers
They tell it to Husbands
But for your little girl, dad,
Her first love was always YOU, her dad,
For whom you were the first man she saw in this WORLD!!

The love, the warmth, all the cute baby talk,
Your standing with me, when I learned how to walk,
I cannot, I cannot, I can never,
Fall in love with someone so dynamic,
someone so caring and loving again!!

(Any daughter for her dad.....)


Monday, February 2, 2009

ये दोस्ती

A Poem for my Friends!! 

जिंदगी के रास्ते बड़े टेढे मेढे होते है
इन रास्तो पर संभलकर चलने का होसला देती है ये दोस्ती....

अकेलापन, दुःख, निराशा जैसी भावनाओ को
हमेशा दूर रखती है ये दोस्ती....

जब अँधेरा घाना हो जाए
तोह दिया लेकर आती है ये दोस्ती....

मेरी हर खुशी और हर बेवकूफी पर
मेरे साथ मुस्कुराती है ये दोस्ती....

दोस्तों, आज में बैठकर सोचता हूँ
तुम्हारे बिना क्या माईना रखती मेरे लिए ये दोस्ती...
