Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Little Zizou

This is a story of really sweet people. The Parsis. Parsis in India are regarded as very humble, down-to-earth and ever smiling people. "Deekra", "Java de ni"....are common sweet things that you hear from them. Mira Nair and Sooni Taraporevala have together created a very very simple story and presented it in a rather simpler manner. Xerxses Khodaiji a.k.a Little Zizou was a die hard fan of the soccer player Zinedine Zidane. He was a motherless kid who thought that his mother was an angel and would make sure that he meets his dream sportsperson. His brother Artaxerxses a.k.a Art was a typical teen who wanted to be cool in front of the girl he loved but never dared to speak to her or ask her out.
Basically the story is about 2 families in the Parsi community who basically are not in good terms with each other. Mr Cyrus II Khodaiji was one religious fanatic and he considered himself as the protector of the Parsi Religion. Mr Boman Pressvala (Boman Irani) didnt believe all this and was always against Khodaiji and regularly made fun of him in his news paper. This story revolves around this comical and sweet animosity between these two people. 
In the end Boman wins against Khodaiji and Cyrus II Khodaiji leaves the country forever. The essence of the film is its simplicity. It also shows how the parsi people did what they said when they came to India. When they came to India the King during that time told them that they would never blend in our culture and would be like stone in water. But the Parsis told that they would blend in Indian culture like sugar in water. And how correct they were. 
There are some small things that everyone knows but no one cares about them like for example telling your kid that how much you love him or telling your wife that you are the best person on this Earth! These small things are portrayed very well in this movie.

I would say its a must watch!!!!! 



Mostly Dulcet said...

Such a delightful movie really :) thank you for the link!

Loved the narration and the wise-cracks. 'Son of psycho' was hilarious :P.

vrushali said...

Haven't seen it yet, but you have inspired me too watch it :)

BTW it was sugar in milk.....and not water, but anyways i like parsis, so who cares :)

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